import Pen from './lib/pen'; import Downloader from './lib/downloader'; const util = require('./lib/util'); const downloader = new Downloader(); // 最大尝试的绘制次数 const MAX_PAINT_COUNT = 5; Component({ canvasWidthInPx: 0, canvasHeightInPx: 0, paintCount: 0, /** * 组件的属性列表 */ properties: { customStyle: { type: String, }, palette: { type: Object, observer: function (newVal, oldVal) { if (this.isNeedRefresh(newVal, oldVal)) { this.paintCount = 0; this.startPaint(); } }, }, // 启用脏检查,默认 false dirty: { type: Boolean, value: false, }, }, data: { picURL: '', showCanvas: true, painterStyle: '', }, attached() { setStringPrototype(); }, methods: { /** * 判断一个 object 是否为 空 * @param {object} object */ isEmpty(object) { for (const i in object) { return false; } return true; }, isNeedRefresh(newVal, oldVal) { if (!newVal || this.isEmpty(newVal) || ( && util.equal(newVal, oldVal))) { return false; } return true; }, startPaint() { // console.log( if (this.isEmpty( { return; } if (!(getApp().systemInfo && getApp().systemInfo.screenWidth)) { try { getApp().systemInfo = wx.getSystemInfoSync(); } catch (e) { const error = `Painter get system info failed, ${JSON.stringify(e)}`; that.triggerEvent('imgErr', { error: error }); console.error(error); return; } } screenK = getApp().systemInfo.screenWidth / 750; this.downloadImages().then((palette) => { const { width, height } = palette; try { this.canvasWidthInPx = width.toPx(); this.canvasHeightInPx = height.toPx(); if (!width || !height) { console.error(`You should set width and height correctly for painter, width: ${width}, height: ${height}`); return; } this.setData({ painterStyle: `width:${width};height:${height};`, }); const ctx = wx.createCanvasContext('k-canvas', this); const pen = new Pen(ctx, palette); pen.paint(() => { this.saveImgToLocal(); }); } catch (error) { console.error(`You should set width and height correctly for painter, width: ${width}, height: ${height}`); } }); }, downloadImages() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let preCount = 0; let completeCount = 0; const paletteCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(; if (paletteCopy.background) { preCount++; => { paletteCopy.background = path; completeCount++; if (preCount === completeCount) { resolve(paletteCopy); } }, () => { completeCount++; if (preCount === completeCount) { resolve(paletteCopy); } }); } if (paletteCopy.views) { for (const view of paletteCopy.views) { if (view && view.type === 'image' && view.url) { preCount++; /* eslint-disable no-loop-func */ => { view.url = path; wx.getImageInfo({ src: view.url, success: (res) => { // 获得一下图片信息,供后续裁减使用 view.sWidth = res.width; view.sHeight = res.height; view.width = res.width; view.height = res.height; }, fail: (error) => { console.error(`getImageInfo failed, ${Json.stringify(error)}`); }, complete: () => { completeCount++; if (preCount === completeCount) { resolve(paletteCopy); } }, }); }, () => { completeCount++; if (preCount === completeCount) { resolve(paletteCopy); } }); } } } if (preCount === 0) { resolve(paletteCopy); } }); }, saveImgToLocal() { const that = this; setTimeout(() => { wx.canvasToTempFilePath({ canvasId: 'k-canvas', success: function (res) { that.getImageInfo(res.tempFilePath); }, fail: function (error) { console.error(`canvasToTempFilePath failed, ${JSON.stringify(error)}`); that.triggerEvent('imgErr', { error: error }); }, }, this); }, 300); }, getImageInfo(filePath) { const that = this; wx.getImageInfo({ src: filePath, success: (infoRes) => { if (that.paintCount > MAX_PAINT_COUNT) { const error = `The result is always fault, even we tried ${MAX_PAINT_COUNT} times`; console.error(error); that.triggerEvent('imgErr', { error: error }); return; } // 比例相符时才证明绘制成功,否则进行强制重绘制 if (Math.abs((infoRes.width * that.canvasHeightInPx - that.canvasWidthInPx * infoRes.height) / (infoRes.height * that.canvasHeightInPx)) < 0.01) { that.triggerEvent('imgOK', { path: filePath }); } else { that.startPaint(); } that.paintCount++; }, fail: (error) => { console.error(`getImageInfo failed, ${JSON.stringify(error)}`); that.triggerEvent('imgErr', { error: error }); }, }); }, }, }); let screenK = 0.5; function setStringPrototype() { /* eslint-disable no-extend-native */ /** * 是否支持负数 * @param {Boolean} minus 是否支持负数 */ String.prototype.toPx = function toPx(minus) { let reg; if (minus) { reg = /^-?[0-9]+([.]{1}[0-9]+){0,1}(rpx|px)$/g; } else { reg = /^[0-9]+([.]{1}[0-9]+){0,1}(rpx|px)$/g; } const results = reg.exec(this); if (!this || !results) { console.error(`The size: ${this} is illegal`); return 0; } const unit = results[2]; const value = parseFloat(this); let res = 0; if (unit === 'rpx') { res = Math.round(value * screenK); } else if (unit === 'px') { res = value; } return res; }; }