en.json 4.4 KB

  1. {
  2. "home": "Home",
  3. "hoolihome": "Homepage",
  4. "community": "Community",
  5. "signIn": "Sign in",
  6. "signUp": "Sign up",
  7. "logout": "Log out",
  8. "companyInfo": "Company information",
  9. "hooliIntroduction": "About us",
  10. "productService": "Products",
  11. "joinUs": "Join us",
  12. "userHelp": "User assistance",
  13. "faq": "FAQ",
  14. "privacyStatement": "Privacy statement",
  15. "complaintSuggestion": "Complaint suggestion",
  16. "sitemap": "Sitemap",
  17. "attentionUs": "Attentions",
  18. "hooliApp": "HOOLI APP",
  19. "weapp": "WeChat Applet",
  20. "wechat": "WeChat Subscription",
  21. "copyright": "Copyright © 2019 hoolihome Inc. All Rights Reserved.",
  22. "companyName": "好来互利(天津)科技有限公司",
  23. "authoritiesPromptly": "津ICP备17009216号-1",
  24. "paginationPrev": "<&nbsp;Prev",
  25. "paginationNext": "Next&nbsp;>",
  26. "loginInvalid": "Your user information is invalid, please log in again.",
  27. "sure": "Sure",
  28. "tabHome": "Community homepage",
  29. "tabVideos": "Videos",
  30. "breadArticles": "Community article",
  31. "loadMore": "Load more",
  32. "noMoreData": "No more data yet",
  33. "articleDetails":"Details",
  34. "releaseTime": "Release time",
  35. "scanNum": "Browse",
  36. "collect": "Collect",
  37. "share": "Share",
  38. "point": "Like",
  39. "articlePrev": "Previous",
  40. "articleNext": "Next",
  41. "articleNotFound": "The article could not be found~",
  42. "collectFail": "Collection failed",
  43. "pointFail": "Like failure",
  44. "noVideoData": "No video data yet",
  45. "noContent": "No content yet",
  46. "details": "Details",
  47. "scanIt": "Scan it",
  48. "emptyTips": "No data",
  49. "emptyArticles": "No articles yet",
  50. "helpYou": "What can I do for you?",
  51. "foxOnline": "Online customer service",
  52. "login_register": {
  53. "login_title": "Hi,Welcome home",
  54. "register_title": "Welcome to join us",
  55. "bind_title": "Bind phone number",
  56. "no_account": "No account?",
  57. "has_account": "Already have an account?",
  58. "to_register": "Sign up now",
  59. "to_login": "Log in now",
  60. "login_by_password": "Login via password(Phone number / Email address)",
  61. "login_by_sms": "Login via mobile",
  62. "find_password": "Forgot password?",
  63. "other_login_methods": "Other login methods",
  64. "login_ok": "Ok",
  65. "confirm_mobile": "Confirm Phone",
  66. "login_by_account_password": "Login via password",
  67. "login_by_sms_code": "Login via mobile",
  68. "placeholder_account": "Phone number / Email address",
  69. "placeholder_password": "Password",
  70. "btn_login": "Sign in",
  71. "auto_login": "Login via password",
  72. "forget_password": "Forget your password?",
  73. "register": "Sign up",
  74. "login_with_third_party": "Other login ways",
  75. "check_account": "Please enter the correct account number",
  76. "check_pwd": "Please enter the correct password",
  77. "login_exception_1": "Login password exception",
  78. "login_exception_2": "Please login and change the password quickly through mobile phone",
  79. "login_quick": "Quick login via mobile phone",
  80. "login_tips": "The unregistered phone number will automatically be registered as Hooli account",
  81. "placeholder_mobile": "Mobile",
  82. "placeholder_sms_code": "Sms code",
  83. "btn_get_code": "Get code",
  84. "check_phone": "Please enter a valid phone number",
  85. "get_code_again": "send again",
  86. "check_sms_code": "Please enter the correct SMS verification code",
  87. "network_wrong": "Unknown error, please try again later or contact customer service",
  88. "btn_login_success": "Login success...",
  89. "find_pwd_by_mobile": "Retrieve password via phone number",
  90. "find_pwd_by_email": "Retrieve password via email address",
  91. "already_has_account": "Already have an account?",
  92. "go_login": " Log in!",
  93. "find_success": "Find success...",
  94. "pwd_rules": "Password (8~16 digits, letter + number)",
  95. "placeholder_email": "Email",
  96. "placeholder_email_code": "Mailbox verification code",
  97. "check_email": "Please input the correct mailbox",
  98. "check_email_code": "Please enter the correct mailbox verification code",
  99. "register_by_mobile": "Mobile registration",
  100. "register_by_email": "Mailbox registration",
  101. "step_next": "Next",
  102. "register_with_third_party": "Third party account registration",
  103. "nickname_rules": "Nickname (2~20 bit, consisting of letters or numbers or Chinese characters)",
  104. "agreement_text_1": "Registration means consent&nbsp;",
  105. "agreement_text_2": "Hooli user payment protocol&nbsp;",
  106. "agreement_text_3": "and&nbsp;",
  107. "agreement_text_4": "Hooli service agreement",
  108. "register_success": "Register success..."
  109. }
  110. }