# bbs.hoolihome.com > My dazzling Nuxt.js project ## Build Setup ``` bash # install dependencies $ yarn install # serve with hot reload at localhost:3000 $ yarn run dev # build for production and launch server $ yarn run build $ yarn start # generate static project $ yarn run generate ``` For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout [Nuxt.js docs](https://nuxtjs.org). hooli社区 技术栈:Nuxt.js ------------------------------------- /* eslint-disable */ // eslint-disable-next-line // eslint-disable-line no-console php接口参数加密key:1ecb91284fffeec4686220a450596af4 /common/ : b15681f74461af9642ab5356fba7962b 路由: bbs.hoolihome.com / 社区首页(默认中文,默认文章列表选中) /articles 文章列表 /article/:articleId 文章详情 /videos 视频列表 /cn 社区中文首页 /cn/? 社区中文其它路由和/一致 /en 社区英文首页 /en/? 社区英文其它路由和/一致 img://static.hoolihome.com/bbs/img/ + ? 测试url: http://testbbs.hoolihome.com/ http://testbbs.hoolihome.com:5380/ 预发url: http(s)://readybbs.hoolihome.com/ 生产url: http(s)://bbs.hoolihome.com/ https://zh.nuxtjs.org/api/configuration-build/#publicpath .nuxt/dist/client https://static.hoolihome.com/bbs/nuxt/ publicPath: '/_nuxt/' // 可换cdn