
[中文说明](https://www.jianshu.com/p/90e55deb4d51) Before this, you used ZFPlayer, are you worried about encapsulating avplayer instead of using or modifying the source code to support other players, the control layer is not easy to customize, and so on? In order to solve these problems, I have wrote this player template, for player SDK you can conform the `ZFPlayerMediaPlayback` protocol, for control view you can conform the `ZFPlayerMediaControl` protocol, can custom the player and control view. 在3.X之前,是不是在烦恼播放器SDK自定义、控制层自定义等问题。作者公司多个项目分别使用不同播放器SDK以及每个项目控制层都不一样,但是为了统一管理、统一调用,我特意写了这个播放器壳子。播放器SDK只要遵守`ZFPlayerMediaPlayback`协议,控制层只要遵守`ZFPlayerMediaControl`协议,完全可以实现自定义播放器和控制层。 ![ZFPlayer.png](https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/635942-5662bfec6d457cba.png?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240) ## Requirements - iOS 7+ - Xcode 8+ ## Installation ZFPlayer is available through [CocoaPods](https://cocoapods.org). To install it,use player template simply add the following line to your Podfile: ```objc pod 'ZFPlayer', '~> 3.0' ``` Use default controlView simply add the following line to your Podfile: ```objc pod 'ZFPlayer/ControlView', '~> 3.0' ``` Use AVPlayer simply add the following line to your Podfile: ```objc pod 'ZFPlayer/AVPlayer', '~> 3.0' ``` 如果使用AVPlayer边下边播可以参考使用[KTVHTTPCache](https://github.com/ChangbaDevs/KTVHTTPCache) Use ijkplayer simply add the following line to your Podfile: ```objc pod 'ZFPlayer/ijkplayer', '~> 3.0' ``` [IJKMediaFramework SDK](https://gitee.com/renzifeng/IJKMediaFramework) support cocoapods Use KSYMediaPlayer simply add the following line to your Podfile: ```objc pod 'ZFPlayer/KSYMediaPlayer', '~> 3.0' ``` [KSYMediaPlayer SDK](https://github.com/ksvc/KSYMediaPlayer_iOS) support cocoapods ## Usage introduce #### ZFPlayerController Main classes, two initialization methods, normal mode initialization and list style initialization (tableView, collection) Normal style initialization ```objc ZFPlayerController *player = [ZFPlayerController playerWithPlayerManager:playerManager containerView:containerView]; ZFPlayerController *player = [[ZFPlayerController alloc] initwithPlayerManager:playerManager containerView:containerView]; ``` List style initialization ```objc ZFPlayerController *player = [ZFPlayerController playerWithScrollView:tableView playerManager:playerManager containerViewTag:containerViewTag]; ZFPlayerController *player = [ZFPlayerController alloc] initWithScrollView:tableView playerManager:playerManager containerViewTag:containerViewTag]; ``` #### ZFPlayerMediaPlayback For the playerMnager,you must conform `ZFPlayerMediaPlayback` protocol,custom playermanager can supports any player SDK,such as `AVPlayer`,`MPMoviePlayerController`,`ijkplayer`,`vlc`,`PLPlayerKit`,`KSYMediaPlayer`and so on,you can reference the `ZFAVPlayerManager`class. ```objc Class *playerManager = ...; ``` #### ZFPlayerMediaControl This class is used to display the control layer, and you must conform the ZFPlayerMediaControl protocol, you can reference the `ZFPlayerControlView` class. ```objc UIView *controlView = ...; player.controlView = controlView; ``` ## Usage #### Normal Style ```objc /// Your custom playerManager must conform `ZFPlayerMediaPlayback` protocol. Class *playerManager = ...; /// playerController ZFPlayerController *player = [ZFPlayerController playerWithPlayerManager:playerManager containerView:self.containerView]; player.controlView = controlView; playerManager.assetURL = [NSURL URLWithString:...]; ``` #### List style ```objc /// Your custom playerManager must conform `ZFPlayerMediaPlayback` protocol. Class *playerManager = ...; /// playerController ZFPlayerController *player = [ZFPlayerController playerWithScrollView:tableView playerManager:playerManager containerViewTag:tag]; player.controlView = controlView; self.player.assetURLs = array; ``` Rotate the video the viewController must implement ```objc - (BOOL)shouldAutorotate { return player.shouldAutorotate; } ``` ### Picture demonstration ![Picture effect](https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/635942-1b0e23b7f5eabd9e.jpg?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240) ## Reference - https://github.com/Bilibili/ijkplayer - https://github.com/changsanjiang/SJVideoPlayer ## Author - Weibo: [@任子丰](https://weibo.com/zifeng1300) - Email: zifeng1300@gmail.com - QQ群: 213375947(付费群) 286529196(免费群) ## 打赏作者 如果ZFPlayer在开发中有帮助到你、如果你需要技术支持或者你有什么需求,都可以拼命打赏我! ![](http://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/635942-8fc0c357df8c4433.jpeg?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240) ## License ZFPlayer is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.